Techniques to reduce the risk of chemical tanker containers/Lpg trailers

  • 2020-12-11
How to reduce the risk of Chemical tanker containers/Lpg trailers? Liquefied petroleum gas is a flammable and explosive substance, and most of the accidents that occur are instantaneous explosions, and there is not enough time to fight the fire. Once a gas cylinder or tank truck has a traffic accident in a densely populated area, the gas cylinder or tank will hit and leak, and the liquefied petroleum gas will reach the explosive limit, and it will explode in an open fire. The consequences will be disastrous. According to statistics, in the 12 major cities from 2002 to 2004, there were 68 hazardous chemical accidents caused by traffic accidents on transport vehicles, accounting for 47.9% of the total number of transport hazardous chemical accidents. The risks of my country's liquefied petroleum gas transportation are mainly caused by the following aspects. Only by understanding the transportation risks can we better reduce transportation risks.

Techniques to reduce the risk of chemical tanker containers/Lpg trailers

One: The safety awareness of transportation companies and personnel is weak. The human factor is closely related to the safety of the transportation system. The LPG transportation system, mainly involves drivers, escorts, loading and unloading personnel, and vehicle maintenance personnel. If the daily management, qualification review, and business training of this personnel are not in place, it is easy to cause human errors such as illegal operation, fatigue driving, illegal loading and unloading, and even negligence of duty in the transportation of LPG. Among them, fatigue driving causes overturning, leakage, and explosion accidents. One of the main reasons for the risk of liquefied petroleum gas transportation. Two: The regular security inspections for Chemical tanker containers/Lpg trailers and containers are not in place. Cylinders and tank trucks that do not meet the safety requirements are not destroyed in time and continue to be used. In case of collisions, overturns and other traffic accidents, they can easily cause major leakage and explosion accidents. Overloading of tank trucks is also the main reason for traffic accidents and dangerous chemical accidents. 1. This is currently the most common hidden danger in the transportation of liquefied petroleum gas. Three: Chemical tanker containers/Lpg trailers the road transport safety monitoring system is not sound. The enforcement of laws against unlicensed transportation, overloading, and mixed loading is not strong enough, especially road traffic management beyond eight hours is weak. The transportation of liquefied petroleum gas often chooses night or early morning with less traffic, which brings great difficulty to safety supervision. It is more difficult to supervise the safety of transportation in different places. At present, 95% of domestic hazardous chemicals are transported in different places, long distances, and large tonnage. Fourth, the layout of LPG business units is unreasonable. Under normal circumstances, the LPG filling plant is basically located in the suburbs of the city, while the gas filling station is basically located in the city, and the use units are all over the city. Liquefied petroleum gas transportation vehicles have to pass through dense urban areas, and the possibility of transportation accidents such as crashes and rollovers has greatly increased. Through accident analysis, it can be found that the above problems generally exist in the current safety management of liquefied petroleum gas transportation.